Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner pgs. 1-92

I had my Twilight stage just like every other teenage girl (Team Edward), but I recently decided to read the short exert that Stephanie Meyer wrote. She writes about a character with a small role in the series but in this book she is the main character. In this book Bree, a newborn vampire, goes through all of the experiences of a new vampire. She feels the need for thirst, the urge to reach out for a coven and the reasons as to why she was created in the first place. Bree was chosen by the creator, Riley, because of her home life and because no one would notice if she was gone. Later on in the book Bree finds out about Riley who is the head of all of the newborn vampires. He tells all of the vampires that he is raising them as a Army to defeat a mysterious coven (the Cullens) and while they are staying in Seattle they need to keep a low profile. Anyway, Bree makes a new friend while she is hunting and trying to feed her thirst for blood. Her friend Diego, is a soft spoken vampire, he helps Bree to adjust because he is a year old and is in more control of his thirst. Diego and Bree discover that their leader "that knows all" is secretly reporting to a higher leader, Victoria. While they have been watching Riley they realize that in addition to the fact that he is secretly reporting to someone else, he has also been lying about "vampires burning into ash when they hit sunlight". When they find this out Diego gets the urge to talk to Riley about it (Diego is the closest vampire to Riley) and Bree heads back to the camp. When Riley comes back to camp without Diego, Bree begins to worry..

My personal take on this book is that it is a pretty easy read. Although the book is a very small chapter book, I have enjoyed reading this book with all of the detail. I think it is also nice because I have background knowledge of the book because I read the series. The character Bree is very interesting because she shows the hardships that most newborns go through. Unlike how in the Twilight series Bela the only newborn vampire in the book, doesn't have the real newborn experience. Overall, I am really starting to like this book, it has a lot of good build-up and I am looking forward to reading further.

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