Friday, February 11, 2011

Breaking Dawn pgs. 51-116

In these chapters it is mostly about Edward and Bela settling into the married life, them going on excursions, night swimming and other activities. Bela is busy all day with all of the activities that when it is time to have a romantic eventing she is always to tired to do anything and falls right asleep when they get back to the island cottage. Feeling that Edward is doing this on purpose she tells Edward that she is feeling more of a movie day and decides to stay in all day one day. At night then she is ready for romance and Edward has no choice but to give in.

Other than there struggles with romance Edward and Bela's relationship is thriving, they are deep in love and Bela wonders why she was ever even worried about getting married in the first place. While they are at the island Esme has workers at her island that clean their cottage. When one of the women workers sees Bela with Edward she yells, screaming in an ancient language and pointing to Edward. Edward later informs her that the women knew that he was a vampire and that the women thought that Edward was keeping Bela hostage as food and that he was tricking her. He also told Bela about more of the ancient myths of the island that the inhabitants believe.

I enjoyed rereading these chapters, they are very sensual so I did my best not to elaborate very much on the topic. But I do like these chapters, they are defiantly the read at night type. I do love these books and I am looking foreword to reading the rest. Whenever I read these books over I always notice something new and the book becomes that more interesting.

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