Monday, February 14, 2011

Breaking Dawn pgs. 164-206

In these few chapters, Bella tells Jake that she is going to become a vampire. Jake as always freaks out and starts yelling at Bella telling her that she can't kill herself that way and that it is immoral and that he will not talk to her again if she does that to him. Jake is afraid that he will loose another battle with for Bela, not this time for her heart but for her life. Little does Jake know that Edward as well as Jacob doesn't want Bella to become a vampire. However now because of complications with Bella being pregnant it may be necessary for Bella to become a vampire in order to survive the birth of the child. Hearing this Jake is so shocked and is not sure what to do, he is convinced that Bella can make it without becoming a vampire, he wants to kill the baby. But for Bella killing the "thing" in Jacobs terms that is killing her is out of the question and she will not kill her own child.

The trio of Edward, Bella and Jacob all add complications. In the book all of the problems are really starting to surface. Although Jacob is the one telling the story, at this point it really starts to get interesting.

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