Monday, February 28, 2011

2.28 Dicton Excersize

a) Thousand, birds, gentle, showers, starshine, weep, ripening

B) Elevation; plain, simple, commonplace, unordained
Sound; musical, poetic, lyrical, sing-songy

c) In the poem "Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep" by Mary Elizabeth Frye, the poet exudes a mournful, melodic, and quaint soft tone, in the line "I am in each lovely thing" Frye describes the loss of a life not as they are gone but they live on throughout the world around us, in out memories.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Interesting Artwork

So I've recently gotten a Stumble upon account and it's really helped me in reading the web. I love art so that is one of my selected topics and I feel so much more connected to the art world now. Anyway, I love what this guy is doing. It is sort of a half real, half unreal sort of style. It mixes the average with unordinary. It's very cool. I might even try doing it myself.

2.23 Diction Excersize

Earnest Hemingway A Farewell to Arms
a) swiftly, stirred, falling, orchard, pebbles, channels, dusty, crops, bare
b)Diction:Middle Diction- plain, unordained, simple
Connotation: Poetic- fluid, naturalistic, romanticism
Sound: Musical- pleasant, lyrical, enchanting
Concreteness: Concrete- tangible subject, personal experience, real, adventurous, light
c) Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, is a fluid naturalistic piece expressing a pleasant yet simple tone , sounding almost lyrical in describing this vivid scene.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sidewalk man

Please look this up!

Look up this link, I really recommend you do. I love looking at art and being able to watch artwork in the process is even better. This guy is really good at what he does. In this specific piece I love what he does with the place and bottle. They sort of resemble Mars to me.

The Last Song pgs. 1-13

I just recently decided to read the book The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. I decided that I wanted to read it after a friend of mine had recommended it to me and I also have seen the movie before. I always hate watching the movie before reading the book because I feel that I cant make my own images for things and that I'm stuck with the ones in the movie. But, I heard this book was really good so I had to try it.
In the first chapter it talks about Ronnie, she is on the way to Georgia to visit her Dad with her brother. Her parents are divorced and from what I've read in the book so far the divorce was not a good one. Ronnie after her parents divorce took it very harshly. She turned to more dark clothes, and "is only friends with kids with at least 3 piercings" as her mom said. Also, in the book Ronnie tells her Dad that she is not playing the piano where I know is foreshadowing in the book because the piano us something that her dad and her share. The chapter also talks about how Ronnie has completely shut of her Dad and basically most of her life. Her grades plummeted and she didn't care about anything. She even got caught shoplifting. And she protests to her Mom during the entire car ride to Georgia about how she does not want to stay with her Dad. Although her Mom insists that she does go and basically forces her to.
The chapter also talks a little about Ronnie's brother Noah, who is very sweet and loves his Dad. He is like the common 9 year old hoping to get the approval of his father. Unlike Ronnie, Noah did not take the divorce out on the Dad and has been looking foreword to visit for a long time.
Overall, I really have enjoyed the book so far. Although it is not like the normal book choice that I would pick, I still really have enjoyed reading it. I like the way Sparks describes Ronnie, oddly enough, I like Ronnie's character even though she seems angry. I can't wait to read more into this book.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Breaking Dawn pgs. 164-206

In these few chapters, Bella tells Jake that she is going to become a vampire. Jake as always freaks out and starts yelling at Bella telling her that she can't kill herself that way and that it is immoral and that he will not talk to her again if she does that to him. Jake is afraid that he will loose another battle with for Bela, not this time for her heart but for her life. Little does Jake know that Edward as well as Jacob doesn't want Bella to become a vampire. However now because of complications with Bella being pregnant it may be necessary for Bella to become a vampire in order to survive the birth of the child. Hearing this Jake is so shocked and is not sure what to do, he is convinced that Bella can make it without becoming a vampire, he wants to kill the baby. But for Bella killing the "thing" in Jacobs terms that is killing her is out of the question and she will not kill her own child.

The trio of Edward, Bella and Jacob all add complications. In the book all of the problems are really starting to surface. Although Jacob is the one telling the story, at this point it really starts to get interesting.
I am so excited for her whole CD to come out. I love her single that she preformed on the Grammys and that had only come out last friday.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Breaking Dawn pgs. 145-164

Whenever I read Jacobs part I always feel very biased because I am an Edward fan. I just feel that Jacob whines about everything rather than doing something about it. In what I have read Jacob is running around the continent not listening to his pack and going off on his own. Jacob is hurt and torn because Bela ultimately chose Edward and married him. He is all by himself in the wilderness and refusing to phase back into his human form, staying a wolf. He ran away after he made a surprise appearance at Bela's wedding and made Bela's day. When Jacob runs away he tears his pack in two. The pack begins to fight amongst themselves creating more drama for the whole quilette community.

I really do not like Jacobs part, I think that his part is very boring and all he does is whine and talk about what he is missing out on. I really do not enjoy his part. But what I have noticed is that Jacob talks in a much more less formal way than Bela, he cusses alot more and has less care for other people.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Interesting Prom?

I really love this dress, it truly is unique. I like the hole in the side where it shows different shavings and things done to the dress. I like the dress for its abstraction. Although I would never personally wear this dress I really like the way the designer used the color and I like the way they did her make-up as well.

Breaking Dawn pgs. 116-138

This is the final chapter to Bela's part one, the book consists of 3 parts; Part one:Bela, Part Two: Jacob and Part Three: Bela. In this chapter Bela is late on her period (no other way to phrase sorry) and she thinks that she may be pregnant but has no idea how it is possible. It was never known to any myth that vampires and humans could conceive children. The fear in Edwards eyes as Bela tells him the news, tells Bela that this is a very dangerous situation. Edward soon starts freaking out packing everything and getting the soonest ride back to Forks. When they get back to Forks Edward has Carlisle check out Bela. They soon realize that if it was a normal human baby that her pregnancy wouldn't be progressing as fast as it is, and that the baby is half vampire/ half human. At the rate that the pregnancy is going they will need to find a way of helping Bela because if they can't find a way to help her pregnancy she will die. The vamp/human baby will eventually kill her.

I like reading this chapter because it really "turns up the heat" in the book. The book really starts to get interesting at this point. Looking foreword to the book I am NOT looking foreword to reading the Jacob part, I think he is whiney. Anyway, this book is my favorite of the series and I always am interesting and enveloped in the book when I start reading.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Breaking Dawn pgs. 51-116

In these chapters it is mostly about Edward and Bela settling into the married life, them going on excursions, night swimming and other activities. Bela is busy all day with all of the activities that when it is time to have a romantic eventing she is always to tired to do anything and falls right asleep when they get back to the island cottage. Feeling that Edward is doing this on purpose she tells Edward that she is feeling more of a movie day and decides to stay in all day one day. At night then she is ready for romance and Edward has no choice but to give in.

Other than there struggles with romance Edward and Bela's relationship is thriving, they are deep in love and Bela wonders why she was ever even worried about getting married in the first place. While they are at the island Esme has workers at her island that clean their cottage. When one of the women workers sees Bela with Edward she yells, screaming in an ancient language and pointing to Edward. Edward later informs her that the women knew that he was a vampire and that the women thought that Edward was keeping Bela hostage as food and that he was tricking her. He also told Bela about more of the ancient myths of the island that the inhabitants believe.

I enjoyed rereading these chapters, they are very sensual so I did my best not to elaborate very much on the topic. But I do like these chapters, they are defiantly the read at night type. I do love these books and I am looking foreword to reading the rest. Whenever I read these books over I always notice something new and the book becomes that more interesting.

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner pg. 92-124

In the book, The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, the main character Bree uncovers more secrets about Victoria the mysterious red headed woman that Riley is reporting to. Bree goes on one of her first hunts as well, learning the craft of killing and being unnoticed. She attacks a hooker and her pimp, people who no one would notice if they were gone. While sucking the blood out of the woman she has a sad realization that she does not want to live this way, praying off of lowlifes and drug addicts. Bree also finds out during her hunt about one of Riley's lies, that vampires burn in the sunlight, as she stands in the sun expecting to incinerate, she stays the same. Finding this out Bree decides to keep it to herself, because she doesn't want to further the controversies going on at camp. Also Riley tells everyone at the base camp that some vampires have special powers including the ones in the enemy coven. Bree thinks if she has special powers too..
My take on the book is that it has a pretty slow build-up and that in the end the story will really start to get interesting. My prediction is that Bree will try to become a "vegetarian" like the Cullens and strive for a better life even though they are already dammed. I like the character of Bree, Stephanie Meyer gives her a lot of personality and allows the reader to create a sympathetic bond toward her.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Breaking Dawn pgs. 39-50

This chapter is my favorite chapter, it is the wedding between Bela and Edward. In this chapter Alice works so hard in order to make Bela look gorgeous for her wedding. Wedding being Alice's favorite things, she works so hard in order to make everything perfect and succeeds. In this chapter Bela is so nervous she can hardly stand it, she has never been more nervous for anything in her life. Its not that she has cold feet but she is nervous because of how everyone will view her. But as soon as she looks in the mirror she knows that she is ready. Nearly everyone is crying because they know that Bela and Edward are meant to be together. After they get married Bela and Edward are on their way to their honeymoon vacation spot where Bela has no idea where they are going. Bela soon finds out that the vacation spot is an island that Carslile bought for Esme. The island is a beautiful island where they are the only inhabitants on one side. The ocean and trees around all of the island are all perfect.

This chapter is definitely my favorite chapter because I love all of the detail Stephanie Meyer adds when talking about the wedding and the island. She makes the wedding sound truly magical. In this chapter I like how Edward and Bela express their bond in marriage after waiting three books for them to get married this chapter is definitely satisfactory.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My Favorite Poem if ALL TIME

A Dream Within a Dream
Edgar Allan Poe

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow —
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

I'm not sure as to why I love this poem so much but I do. I love the way Poe has with words and the dark and twisted side about him too. He is one of my favorite American Writers. He explores the dark workings of the human mind. Also, my favorite lines of this poem are "Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream?" I like how he lets you think about it.

Breaking Dawn pgs. 1-38

When I started reading the short excerpt about Bree Tanner I then felt the need to read the book in the Twilight series Breaking Dawn, the last book. In the first chapter Bela talks about how Edward proposed to her and that she is not sure if she likes the idea of being ready to be married or not. She knows that she loves Edward but she isn't all the way sure that she wants to get married and to be viewed that way by her small town. She also visits her mom who lives in Florida. Renee, her mom, is one of the most protective people about getting married earlier because she believes that was the mistake that she made when she was younger with Bela's father Charlie. When Bela tells her mom about the engagement she is really nervous, fearing the way her mother will react to the news, but when Renee is completely calm and accepts the fact Bela is in utter shock. Then Renee tells Bela that she knew that she loved Edward and that it was only a matter of time before they were married.

In the second chapter Bela goes to her dress rehearsal for their wedding, Bela meets all of the vampires that the Cullen's know. She also meets Tanya, a girl who used to like Edward, however he showed no interest in her. Many of the vampires are fascinated by the bond that Edward and Bela share, being able to see that it is very strong. Bela also talks to Edward about her transformation into a vampire. Her being a vampire is a something that Edward never hopes to see but he knows that it is inevitable as it is part of their deal, if Bela were to get married then he would turn her into a vampire.

Personally, I love all of these books. I have read all of the books many times and enjoy their story lines. I love the chapter to come about Bela and Edwards marriage, it is probably my favorite chapter in the book. I love the way Stephanie Meyer words her books.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Book Canvas

I have always been an art person and the idea that this set up, combines reading and art I find very cool. I really love the detail that the artist used in the facial expressions of the woman. Personally, I love the way he did her lips and eyes, I like all of the different shades in her eyes that make it look all more realistic. Also, pay attention to the ostrich next to her, I found it pretty funny. But I truly admire this artist for incorporating books.

AT&T failed attempts

As all this talk about the iphone coming to Verizon becomes a reality (2 more days), it's competitors AT&T set out a commercial to bribe iphone users their way, however all of their claims are wrong. Which makes them the even more untrustworthy network... way to go AT&T. I have always and will always be a Verizon user.

The link shows the commercial:

The Effects of Teen Driving

After reading New York times article "Teenagers, Friends, and Bad Decisions" I thought about how the article affects my life and the way my friends affect the way that I drive. Being a new driver I am already concerned with my own driving and when friends are in the car they add new distractions. However, on the contrary to the article there have been many times where I have been driving with a friend and they gave me helpful advice. Not being completely dependent on my friends, although it does help to know that you have a second set of eyes in the car. In the part of the article where it talked about the teens driving faster when there friends were watching,I think that is mainly an ego issue. For me personally, it is better to be safe than to show off to friends. No matter how cool you think you look in driving fast and making idiotic decisions, your putting your friends in danger. The article in entirety was a good read and interesting, however it is clumping teenagers together.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner pgs. 1-92

I had my Twilight stage just like every other teenage girl (Team Edward), but I recently decided to read the short exert that Stephanie Meyer wrote. She writes about a character with a small role in the series but in this book she is the main character. In this book Bree, a newborn vampire, goes through all of the experiences of a new vampire. She feels the need for thirst, the urge to reach out for a coven and the reasons as to why she was created in the first place. Bree was chosen by the creator, Riley, because of her home life and because no one would notice if she was gone. Later on in the book Bree finds out about Riley who is the head of all of the newborn vampires. He tells all of the vampires that he is raising them as a Army to defeat a mysterious coven (the Cullens) and while they are staying in Seattle they need to keep a low profile. Anyway, Bree makes a new friend while she is hunting and trying to feed her thirst for blood. Her friend Diego, is a soft spoken vampire, he helps Bree to adjust because he is a year old and is in more control of his thirst. Diego and Bree discover that their leader "that knows all" is secretly reporting to a higher leader, Victoria. While they have been watching Riley they realize that in addition to the fact that he is secretly reporting to someone else, he has also been lying about "vampires burning into ash when they hit sunlight". When they find this out Diego gets the urge to talk to Riley about it (Diego is the closest vampire to Riley) and Bree heads back to the camp. When Riley comes back to camp without Diego, Bree begins to worry..

My personal take on this book is that it is a pretty easy read. Although the book is a very small chapter book, I have enjoyed reading this book with all of the detail. I think it is also nice because I have background knowledge of the book because I read the series. The character Bree is very interesting because she shows the hardships that most newborns go through. Unlike how in the Twilight series Bela the only newborn vampire in the book, doesn't have the real newborn experience. Overall, I am really starting to like this book, it has a lot of good build-up and I am looking forward to reading further.

Observations vs. Inferences

Observations: Excellent use of brush strokes, Used somber colors, Painted night sky on a town, Used a very marigold color of yellow, The white used for gusts of wind, Church in the very back of the painting, All of the colors mesh very well together, Almost looks like a ghost town because he used no lights, Painted from the top of a hill

Inferences: Painted at night, Painted from his house on a hill, The bushes in the front of the painting reoccur in many of his other paintings, May have been in early hours of the morning due to the abandonment look of the town, Used blues and yellows to show the softer side of sleep (maybe?)