Sunday, May 15, 2011

Columbine pgs 97-170

In Part 2 of the book, it is all about the survivors rush to closure and how the town acted as if nothing had happened, because even though the families were grieving they wanted to forget about Columbine and that the whole situation even happened. However, the parents of Dylan and Eric had trouble in public because everyone knew who their kids were and what they did to Columbine high school, it was traumatizing for all of the families.

There was also talk about wether or not to rebuild the school. Members of the society speculated that it was too much for the kids to handle and that walking back into the school would be a nightmare for the victims. However, most of the kids wanted to rebuild the school, fixing columbine would help them to become a group again and to be around peers that had the same experiences as them. The parents had no idea of what to say to their children who had been n columbine because there was no way that they could utterly imagine what it was like to have been in that kind of tragedy. Watching your classmates die at the hand of another classmate.

This book has definitely taken more of a depressive tone, at first in the beginning of the book you were mad. However, when you read the parts about the aftermath it makes you very sad for the victims and the families involved. This book can really play with your emotions while you read it.

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