Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chapter 17: Columbine

In chapter seventeen, it talks about the SWAT teams journey into the school. How they pursue down the hallways not knowing who might be at the end of every corner. When they enter into the library it is a massacre. Their are bodies and blood pools strewn around the room. They even claim that some students were still holding their pencils as they laid lifeless in the library. Upon entering they concluded that most of the kids had been dead for a little over four hours and whilst they were going around the library they found two bodies with injuries that stood out from the rest. They soon figured out that the bodies were Dylan and Eric, the killers. The boys after killing everyone in the library then took their own life by shooting themselves.
Although the library was full of death and sadness, the SWAT team however did find one girl alive, barely, but she did live. From a policeman's term- "twelve were cold, one warm." They also concluded that during the shooting in the library most of the kids had attempted to take cover underneath the tables unsuccessfully.
This chapter also covers Dylan's prom date, the one who gave him one of the guns that supplied to the shootings. Because of Robyn's fear to tell the police on how she gave Dylan the gun, she lied to the police messing up evidence in order to figure out the mystery of the killers.
Still, this book has been a very interesting read and I love learning about all of the things that happened on that sad April 20. The book is sometimes very frustrating and depressing but it is a really good book and I would definitely recommend it.

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