Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Burned pgs 148-244

In the book as far as I've read Pattyn's life gets turned upside down, she has to face many demons in her life that's she was to naive to notice. One day at school she is walking down the hall and she saw Derek with another girl after he had witnessed how strict her parents were. She saw him and her holding hands and kissing, they were dating. Pattyn being so upset decided to confront the girl and say something. However, confronting turned into fighting and by the end of the day the girl was in the ER with a hairline fracture and Pattyn was suspended from school for the rest of the school year.. over a boy. Derek she found out had been saying mean things about her behind her back and she then confronted him, where he denied it, but then showed no remorse for what he knew was true.

When her parents were informed about what had happened at school, her dad was enraged and decided that he no longer wanted Pattyn to live with them. He decided that she was to live with his sister Aunt J who Pattyn hadn't talked to in years. Her dad drives her all the way to Nevada to live with her aunt. After meeting her aunt she discovers that she is a lot like Pattyn and after a few weeks they become very close.

Also, Pattyn spies a boy in the local market named Ethan. He is much older than her and she suspects that he doesn't even notice her. However her Aunt J thinks she has a chance in becoming closer with her because he is family friends with Aunt J and is always at her house.

The book is really good, I am looking forward to reading about what else happens between Pattyn and Ethan and seeing if Pattyn really does change now that she is away from he family. Good book and an easy read, I would definitely recommend it.

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