Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter18: Columbine

In chapter 18, Last Bus is all about the families surrounding the columbine victims. Although this is a very short chapter it talks about all of the sorrows and stress of the relatives. One sad event in particular is when the police tell all the parents that there will be one last bus that comes, all of them hoping that their child, brother or sister is on the bus. The buses were from the school to the sanctuary where all the parents could wait safely. The rest of the parents who hadn't reunited with their child were all waiting outside for their kids and when they went to the police to ask when the bus was coming they said there wasn't one. Many of the parents were mad and angry for the mis information because it wasn't fair to tell all of the parents that there was an additional bus when there wasn't one.
Although this is a very sad chapter, it brings out the courage and loyalty of the school principal Mr. D who stayed with all the parents until the very last one left. And along with the parents he was devastated when children did not return. Also it talks about Dave Sanders the teacher who was shot and how no one will tell his family about the events surrounding his injury or if he is dead at all.
This chapter was very hard to read because of how devastating it would be to have that happen to you as a parent. There were so many tragedies surrounding columbine. The book is still a good read, it is becoming a bit depressing though.

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