Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Burned pgs. 104-148

In the beginning of this book Pattyn seemed to live a charmed life, but then I soon found out in reading that her home life was very sad and disarrayed. Pattyn seems to be falling for the boy she met at school named Derek. Derek told Pattyn she was pretty, a thing she remarks in the book. Derek was the first boy to tell Pattyn she was pretty, he charms her and Pattyn is continuously falling for Derek the more attention he gives her.

Pattyn uses a shooting range as a sanctuary and when Derek ends up coming there to help her shoot she feels strong feelings toward him. Pattyn feels a connection toward Derek and even though she knows it wrong, Pattyn wants to go to and do things with Derek that her family wouldn't approve of. When her and Derek decide to defy her family and do what they know they shouldn't someone see's her, she is not sure who but she runs home as fast as possible before they can get to her father. Sadly, it was her father that saw them and when she gets home her father slaps her and beats her and forbids her to see Derek. She then fights back and snaps scaring the rest of her family for facing her drunken father.

The book is really starting to pick up like most of Ellen Hopkins books. I love the way she makes Pattyn strong and a good character. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book it is starting to get better.

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