Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ah so lush

I want this in my backyard, it would be a nice place to sit and think or read.

My Book!

Burned pgs 148-244

In the book as far as I've read Pattyn's life gets turned upside down, she has to face many demons in her life that's she was to naive to notice. One day at school she is walking down the hall and she saw Derek with another girl after he had witnessed how strict her parents were. She saw him and her holding hands and kissing, they were dating. Pattyn being so upset decided to confront the girl and say something. However, confronting turned into fighting and by the end of the day the girl was in the ER with a hairline fracture and Pattyn was suspended from school for the rest of the school year.. over a boy. Derek she found out had been saying mean things about her behind her back and she then confronted him, where he denied it, but then showed no remorse for what he knew was true.

When her parents were informed about what had happened at school, her dad was enraged and decided that he no longer wanted Pattyn to live with them. He decided that she was to live with his sister Aunt J who Pattyn hadn't talked to in years. Her dad drives her all the way to Nevada to live with her aunt. After meeting her aunt she discovers that she is a lot like Pattyn and after a few weeks they become very close.

Also, Pattyn spies a boy in the local market named Ethan. He is much older than her and she suspects that he doesn't even notice her. However her Aunt J thinks she has a chance in becoming closer with her because he is family friends with Aunt J and is always at her house.

The book is really good, I am looking forward to reading about what else happens between Pattyn and Ethan and seeing if Pattyn really does change now that she is away from he family. Good book and an easy read, I would definitely recommend it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This is sick

People are weird. But no lie, kinda creative-cool.

Burned pgs. 104-148

In the beginning of this book Pattyn seemed to live a charmed life, but then I soon found out in reading that her home life was very sad and disarrayed. Pattyn seems to be falling for the boy she met at school named Derek. Derek told Pattyn she was pretty, a thing she remarks in the book. Derek was the first boy to tell Pattyn she was pretty, he charms her and Pattyn is continuously falling for Derek the more attention he gives her.

Pattyn uses a shooting range as a sanctuary and when Derek ends up coming there to help her shoot she feels strong feelings toward him. Pattyn feels a connection toward Derek and even though she knows it wrong, Pattyn wants to go to and do things with Derek that her family wouldn't approve of. When her and Derek decide to defy her family and do what they know they shouldn't someone see's her, she is not sure who but she runs home as fast as possible before they can get to her father. Sadly, it was her father that saw them and when she gets home her father slaps her and beats her and forbids her to see Derek. She then fights back and snaps scaring the rest of her family for facing her drunken father.

The book is really starting to pick up like most of Ellen Hopkins books. I love the way she makes Pattyn strong and a good character. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book it is starting to get better.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Kitties in Kitty Coffe Cups

Normally, I'm not a cat person but this is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. Makes me want a kitty of my own.

Burned pgs.1-104

The book burned is strangely typed just like all of the rest of Ellen Hopkins book, I've read her other two books CRANK and Impulse as well so I am pretty used to the format. The book starts out with a young girl, she is a good girl- good grades, conservative and active in her church. However the reader at first thinks her life is perfect but then finds out what happens beyond the front door. Her dad is a drunk and abusive to her entire family but mainly her and her sisters who take the brunt of the beatings. Desperately searching for a way to become noticed she puts herself out there, gets a little dolled up and goes to school- without her parents seeing her outfit of course. However, her best friend is not pleased she feels like she is changing herself, not even acting like the girl that she has known for her whole life. But, Pattyn ignores her friends fears and does so anyway. With this she gets attention from guys who never had shown her attention before.

Pattyn gets invited to a party where there are many illegal things going on and she gets taken advantage of by one of the boys. Depressed by what happens she confides in a new friend Derek who seems like a nice guy. Patty thinks she may have a crush on the boy but she isn't sure at the moment.

Overall, this book reminds me a lot of the previous books but it is still a very good and easy read. I like the things in this book because they seem real and deal with problems that I find interesting.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This is my twitter background, I really love this picture though. The monkeys super cute.

Columbine pgs 97-170

In Part 2 of the book, it is all about the survivors rush to closure and how the town acted as if nothing had happened, because even though the families were grieving they wanted to forget about Columbine and that the whole situation even happened. However, the parents of Dylan and Eric had trouble in public because everyone knew who their kids were and what they did to Columbine high school, it was traumatizing for all of the families.

There was also talk about wether or not to rebuild the school. Members of the society speculated that it was too much for the kids to handle and that walking back into the school would be a nightmare for the victims. However, most of the kids wanted to rebuild the school, fixing columbine would help them to become a group again and to be around peers that had the same experiences as them. The parents had no idea of what to say to their children who had been n columbine because there was no way that they could utterly imagine what it was like to have been in that kind of tragedy. Watching your classmates die at the hand of another classmate.

This book has definitely taken more of a depressive tone, at first in the beginning of the book you were mad. However, when you read the parts about the aftermath it makes you very sad for the victims and the families involved. This book can really play with your emotions while you read it.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Poem Anthology Preview

1. Moonshine
2. Praising Dark Places
3. The Tongue Is
4. Light On The Subject
5. The Nazi Doll
6. Charmed
7. Tunnels
8. Facing It
9. Ode To The Maggot
10. Thanks

All Poems by Yusef Komunyakaa- Common Theme

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Mind teaser. Almost symbolizing that you get to choose where your path goes if you think about it.

Chapter18: Columbine

In chapter 18, Last Bus is all about the families surrounding the columbine victims. Although this is a very short chapter it talks about all of the sorrows and stress of the relatives. One sad event in particular is when the police tell all the parents that there will be one last bus that comes, all of them hoping that their child, brother or sister is on the bus. The buses were from the school to the sanctuary where all the parents could wait safely. The rest of the parents who hadn't reunited with their child were all waiting outside for their kids and when they went to the police to ask when the bus was coming they said there wasn't one. Many of the parents were mad and angry for the mis information because it wasn't fair to tell all of the parents that there was an additional bus when there wasn't one.
Although this is a very sad chapter, it brings out the courage and loyalty of the school principal Mr. D who stayed with all the parents until the very last one left. And along with the parents he was devastated when children did not return. Also it talks about Dave Sanders the teacher who was shot and how no one will tell his family about the events surrounding his injury or if he is dead at all.
This chapter was very hard to read because of how devastating it would be to have that happen to you as a parent. There were so many tragedies surrounding columbine. The book is still a good read, it is becoming a bit depressing though.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kanye, Yo

He may be a pompous jerk, but you gotta admit he's a genius.

Chapter 17: Columbine

In chapter seventeen, it talks about the SWAT teams journey into the school. How they pursue down the hallways not knowing who might be at the end of every corner. When they enter into the library it is a massacre. Their are bodies and blood pools strewn around the room. They even claim that some students were still holding their pencils as they laid lifeless in the library. Upon entering they concluded that most of the kids had been dead for a little over four hours and whilst they were going around the library they found two bodies with injuries that stood out from the rest. They soon figured out that the bodies were Dylan and Eric, the killers. The boys after killing everyone in the library then took their own life by shooting themselves.
Although the library was full of death and sadness, the SWAT team however did find one girl alive, barely, but she did live. From a policeman's term- "twelve were cold, one warm." They also concluded that during the shooting in the library most of the kids had attempted to take cover underneath the tables unsuccessfully.
This chapter also covers Dylan's prom date, the one who gave him one of the guns that supplied to the shootings. Because of Robyn's fear to tell the police on how she gave Dylan the gun, she lied to the police messing up evidence in order to figure out the mystery of the killers.
Still, this book has been a very interesting read and I love learning about all of the things that happened on that sad April 20. The book is sometimes very frustrating and depressing but it is a really good book and I would definitely recommend it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Chapter 16: Columbine

In chapter sixteen, Boy in the Window, Cullen talks about Patrick Ireland a boy who was in the library at the time that the killers attacked. When Ireland is in the library the boys bust in and start shooting, students get under tables and some even pretend to be dead. Ireland accounts for when the boys got to the table they harassed one of his friends for being black then shot him and his other friends. Ireland then tried to comfort his friends but then was shot once in the leg and then once in the head. Through the next few hours he was drifting in and out of consciousness and then finally chose to slowly crawl towards the window where he tried to jump out of. SWAT teams soon rushed toward him and tried to aid him and got him down from the window safely.
Overall, I am still really enjoying this book. The stories in this book are very sad but also heartwarming, like the story of Patrick Irelands courage to strive forward even though he was shot in the head.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Chapter 15: Columbine

In chapter 15, First Assumption talks about the stereotypes that the media put on the killers. Much of the information that the media brought to the public was false. They claimed that the boys were social outcasts and that they were retaliating against the school because they were bullied. However, both boys had friends, girls and were very well liked by their peers and were certainly not bullied. It also talks about how the boys got all of the information to make the bombs and how they acquired the weapons. Eric had built the bombs from an online website he found called The Anarchist's Cookbook, that gave formulas and such on how to make bombs. As for getting the weapons the boys had gotten an old enough friend from their work to go to the gun convention and buy them guns. Their friend however was under the impression the boys were using the guns just for hunting purposes and not one of the worst school shootings in history. The boys also got a gun from Dylan's prom date, deceiving her as well.
The chapters also talk about the boys parents reactions after the shootings and their way of dealing with the grief of what their children had done. Dylan's parents in comparison to Eric's were much more communicative and were willing to share information in their house. Unlike Eric's parents whom were much less communicative than Dylan's parents, they found a lot more evidence in Eric's room- including Eric's diary.
I have really enjoyed reading this book so far. It is an easy read however it is very enthralling. I really like learning about all of the true facts that happened and being up to date on the sad event. Knowing what really happened makes you so much more knowledgeable than if you do not read the book. It is truly an eye opening read.

Love these

Osama bin Laden

WASHINGTON — For years, the agonizing search for Osama bin Laden kept coming up empty. Then last July, Pakistanis working for the Central Intelligence Agency drove up behind a white Suzukinavigating the bustling streets near Peshawar, Pakistan, and wrote down the car’s license plate.

Thinking about how much the United states has had to go through as a nation is incredible. From going from 9/11 to the death of Osama bin Laden has been a major milestone in United States history. This day was memorable for two reasons. One, because all of the families of the victims of 9/11 could finally sleep knowing that their loved ones killer was now dead. The other was because the United States had chased around bin Laden for years and thinking that we could never kill the mastermind of 9/11 - however all of that was made possible.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chapter 14: Columbine

Chapter fourteen- Hostage Standoff, talks about the situation between the boys and the cops. Where they are both at a standoff, the boys are on the roof of the school while the cops are near the front of the school, the boys and the cops then have a shoot-off and luckily no one is harmed. There are also rumor circling about some possible hostages and the SWAT team is pressured even more to figure out a way into the school without putting the students in danger. When the SWAT team enters the school they are in a whole new environment with no maps of the school they have to go in blind without knowing where the killers were in the school.
This chapter also talks about how the media begins to speculate. The news teams and such are starting to think about what is happening and get information from the victims. However the majority of their publishing is either wrong or from a news station point they could put students in danger if the killers had been watching when they aired victim footage. Thankfully, they were not.
Overall, this book is very interesting and I am looking forward to reading more into this book and finding out more facts about the incident.