Monday, March 7, 2011

The Last Song pgs. 72-79

In chapter eight, Ronnie, goes out to eat with her new friend Blaze. They sit and talk about Marcus and just life in general. Many of the things that they talk about are pretty intense and although they have different personalities Ronnie somehow thinks they are sort of similar in the way they both have a good sense of humor and they both dont have very good relationships with their Dad's.
One of the things that Blaze and Ronnie talk about is the worst thing that they have ever done. Blaze tells a story from her childhood where when she was little she and a boy named Billy hated their old mean neighbor and one day their neighbor had planted a bunch of pretty flowers but that same night Billy and Blaze went out and sprayed weed killer on all of the flowers. Blaze then said how her neighbor was outside all day trying to figure out what was wrong with the flowers but could never figure it out and eventually all of the flowers dies within the time of a week. Blaze then said that she didnt tell the neighbor ever that it was hers. When it is Ronnies time to tell her worst thing she begins with when she stole, but then she tells Blaze how she shoplifted twice and if she gets caught one more time that they will press charges but if she doesnt then the charges will be lifted and it will be taken off of her record.
After they are done having a few intense conversations, Marcus and a few of his friends sit down by Ronnie and Blaze but oddly enough Marcus chooses the seat by Ronnie instead of Blaze. While they are all sitting the boys start eating Blaze's food and she is being a complete pushover even allowing Marcus to embarass her and talk about extremely personal stuff at the table. Ronnie thinks it is really sad how she lets him treat her this way and Blaze reminds her of a good friend she has back at New York, Kayla.
In this chapter, I learned alot about Blaze and all of the things she has had to go through growing up, that she isnt just doing nothing with her life for no reason. I like how this chapter talks about the relationship between Marcus and Blaze and I see it slowly starting to fade and I fear that Marcus might try to pull something with Ronnie, which scares me. This was my favorite chapter so far.

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