Sunday, March 20, 2011

Country Boys

This film centers around two boys Cody and Chris, who live in an abandoned coal town. For living in this poverty stricken town these boys acquire a stereotype of being ignorant rednecks. Both boys go to an alternate school called, David School, and they both are also not sure which grade they are in because of their lack of determination to study hard and because of family influences. Comparing the diction of the two boys, Cody and Chris are in some ways similar but also some way different. Cody expresses himself in a multitude of ways. One way is how he dresses, he dresses more gothic-ish: painting his nails black, spiking his hair, and the types of songs he sings. Also, when he speaks he is more articulate than Chris. Cody is also more socially aware, he has a girlfriend and has a firm idea of the way he wants to be seen.Chris is the opposite, he speaks rather slowly and he doesn't have as wide of a vocabulary as Chris does. His teachers tell him that he had the IQ of a seventh grader. Both boys besides their educational standing, have hard home lives as well. The majority of Cody' family is dead and Chris's family has to deal with his alcoholic father. Even though the boys are not mentally smart they have been through much more than most people could handle, therefore they are able to take care of themselves and they are emotionally smart.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny, but I think there are times when Chris actually does have a fairly high diction . . he kind of does what we call "code switching" depending on who he's talking to. I guess we all do that.
