Monday, March 21, 2011

Columbine: Chapter Six

In chapter six "His Future", it talks about Dylan's prom experience, he takes his date Robyn and treats her so nicely. Everyone in the group accounts Dylan for being cheerful, nice and playful. He event talked about his future, going to Arizona with a friend who was going for Florida and also staying in touch with each other because they were all too good of a group of friends to let it go.
This chapter also talks about Eric's prom experience, although he did not go to prom he had his love interest, Susan over to hang out at his house and watch a few movies. From the books account Eric seemed cheerful and nice and even pecked Susan on the cheek when she left his house that night.
It also talked about after prom, where the adults held a function in the gym. It was a New York, New York themed gambling idea. Where all of the students went and gambled with fake money. The whole prom group went although they said the boys and girls mostly separated at the time and Eric joined the after prom group.
Reading about how both boys dealt with prom and how cheerful they were right before Tuesday seems really odd. I cant wait to read the rest of the book finding out about why the boys were so casual just days before they had planned to massacre the very school they had enjoyed many memories in and people that they shared the memories with.

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