Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Last Song pgs 13-24

In chapter two, Steve, the book changes to the perspective of Ronnies dad Steve. Steve is a loving father that still believes that there is still good in Ronnie, even though she is failing all of her classes, doesnt play the piano anymore and she failed her SAT's. Even in the book her father says "Do you know how smart you have to be to miss every single question on the SAT?" Steve really loves his family although he moved all the way to Georgia. He feels terrible though that his daughter, Ronnie, hates him. She feels that he abandoned her bother and her during the divorce. Steve shows that he is really dedicated to his family even though Ronnie may disagree. Steve however, hides a secret that none of his family knows. He is sick and has been getting sicker, the book does not reveal what sickness he has but it does convey that it is serious.
This chapter also talks about how Ronnies dad got the house that he lives in. Steve was an apperentice for the stained glass window maker at the church, and hwen the stained glass window maker passed away. The community gave the house to Ronnies dad, even though the house is very old and a mess, he likes his house although he is embarassed to say.
Steve was also in a fire. Although he does not know the details on how the fire started, Steve was playing the piano in the church late one night and then before he knew it he was getting carried out of the buring church by firemen. Many people of the community believe that Steve started the fire himself but he knows that he didnt.
This book has kept me interested the whole time. It really uses alot of the details. Even though I saw the movie before I read the book I still find the book to be very interesting and I am finding many details in the book that were not in the movie that furthers the characters personalities and the strengthens the story. I am looking foreward to reading more.

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