Thursday, January 13, 2011

Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone162-80

The next chapter, Halloween, doesn't tell anything about the trap door that the gang had stumbled on before which for me was a bit of a letdown because I was really looking foreword into finding out if it was the package Hagrid had picked up or not. Although, I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter.

In this chapter Harry receives a gift from Professor McGonagall, a Nimbus Two Thousand, one of the fastest and most powerful brooms in the wizarding world. When Malfoy finds out about this gift he tries to get Harry in trouble because of the first year rule (first years cannot bring brooms to school) but then finds out that the Gryffindor headmaster McGonagall made an exception for Harry and, even bought the broom herself. Malfoy then suddenly wasn't so confident in his accusations (one of my favorite parts of the chapter). Also in this chapter Harry gets to test out his new broom with the Quidditch house captain Oliver Wood, learning all of the new terms and rules of the game. On Halloween, Hermoine hears Harry and Ron making fun of her for being a know-it-all, after no one can find her. Harry and Ron sort-of brush it off and go to the great hall to eat a huge Halloween dinner when suddenly Professor Quirrell bursts into the great hall screaming that there was a troll in the dungeon. The whole hall turns into hysteria and rush back to their houses. On their way to the house Ron and Harry realize no one has found Hermoine and go looking for her. They find her in the girls bathroom but before they can warn her about the troll its too late, the troll nearly kills all three of them but using his new learned spell Ron briefly knocks out the troll. The whole troll event then brings the three closer than ever and wins them some house points!

I thought this chapter was pretty good although it wasn't my favorite yet. I think that the author did a good job adding the troll attack in the book because it let the reader strengthen bonds between the main characters which is important, especially in a series. I'm assuming that this book will mostly be buildup for the series but it is still keeping me interested.

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