Monday, January 31, 2011

Favorite Website- Creative Title I know..

Personally, I do a lot on the internet, its one of the main things I fill my free time with. One website in particular that is not Twitter (haha) that I get on, is MLIA. MLIA is a list of things that look like so called "tweets" but they all pertain to the same thing, about how average life really is. I tend to navigate to this website because I always enjoy reading the average life posts and getting a good laugh. I love how the posts make you realize how average the little things in life are and that the embarrassing things that happen to you, don't just happen to you, that they averagely happen to everyone. I myself, have not set up an MLIA account to post my own MLIA's. A good friend of mine and I always talk and share different MLIA's that we find funny and send them to each other. Anyway.. I will post the link to see if you can get just as addicted to the website as I am, which won't be very hard to do.

My Life Is Average

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