Monday, January 17, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone pgs. 180-202

In reading further into this book, I am really starting to enjoy it surprisingly. I thought that the book would be boring because I had already seen the movies but I was very wrong! I really enjoy how Rowling uses such vivid imagery. And going into the imagery ...

In chapter eleven, Quidditch, Harry has his first Quidditch match. Rowling describes every possible feeling you could think of. But anyway, Harry starts off extremely nervous for his first match and has many doubts from all of the Gryffindor fans. But as the game starts Harry quickly gains support and Gryffindor is roaring Harrys name. However, during the game Harrys broom starts to go crazy and move up, down, backwards and sideways. Hermoine soon realizes that the broom is being cursed and she looks around to find the source and spies Snape who is mumbling and cannot take his eyes off of Harry, a key giveaway to someone who is putting a curse on someone else. Hermoine and Ron then run over to where Snape is sitting and set fire to his robe and almost instantly the curse stops, however the whole teacher seating area catches on fire. In all the commotion, Harry spots the snitch and then all eyes are in him. He chases the snitch dodging and flying fast, but then.. the snitch is gone. Then he coughs up the snitch and wins the game for Gryffindor!

In chapter twelve, The Mirror of Erised, I only read half of it and I am looking foreword to reading the rest. But, in the part that I read it is Christmas break at Hogwarts. Harry even though his family is not alive decides that this Christmas will be the best one yet, spending most of his time with the Weasleys. During their break, Harry and Ron are opening and sharing their presents, Harry receives a wooden flute Hagrid had widdled himself, a parcel from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, and another mysterious present. Harry got a present from his parents that Dumbledore had been holding for him, it was an invisibility cloak, something very rare and special.

I really enjoyed these two chapters and as I had said before I loved the imagery that Rowling uses. Harry is really starting to grow on me I have to say. Coming into this book as optimistic I am very sure that I will end up liking this book and will eventually read the whole series.

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