Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone pgs. 61-162

I have always been very optimistic about the Harry Potter series but a close friend of mine whom I had saw the new movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, with recommended that I should read the series. I decided that reading the series would be a good idea considering I liked all of the movies. My first impression of the books were that they were childish and to immature compared to my normal reading choices. However, when I started reading I noticed that J.K. Rowling uses thorough descriptions and she really explains things well. Which is surprising considering the book is written about spells and basically describing another universe with wizards and witches.

In chapter five, Diagon Alley, Harry the night before is introduced into the whole world of magic by a huge beastly man called Hagrid. He has convinced himself that last night was a dream because it was really to good to be true, when living with Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and their obese son Dudley. When he wakes up the next morning he is covered in a huge fur coat that could only belong to Hagrid and is then flooded with joy with the idea of really being a wizard. Harry and Hagrid then venture to Diagon Alley to collect all of the supplies he needs to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If finding Diagon Alley wasn't a surprise enough (opening a hidden arch passageway through a solid brick wall to get to the Alley) Harry also notices that he is famous in the wizard world for defeating the most dangerous dark wizard just when he was a newborn. Anyway, when Harry goes to Diagon Alley he visits all of the shops and places he needs to go in order to be successful at Hogwarts and also receives Hedwig, an owl and a gift from Hagrid. One place that stood out to Harry in specific was Gringotts, the wizard bank, where he discovered his lot of money and where Hagrid picked up a very important secret package for Dumbledore. This package keeps you wondering at the end of the chapter...

In chapter six, The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Harry makes his way to Hogwarts but he has some trouble on the way. Harry needed to get to Hogwarts by train and in reading his train his ticket said Platform nine and three-quarters and obviously in the "muggle" world (normal human) there is no platform nine and three-quarters. Harry finds himself in distress finding the platform until he his tipped of by a woman talking to her kids about muggles, whom he then follows  and eventually ends up running through a portal wall to get to the platform. On the train Harry makes new friends Ron, Hermoine and Neville. Also enemies Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

In chapter seven, The Sorting Hat and eight, The Potions Master Harry is introduced to the world of Hogwarts. Harry and his gang (Ron, Neville and Hermoine) are all members of Gryffindor one of the most prestigious houses. He is also introduced into a few teachers including Snape, Professor Quirrell, Professor McGonagall and the infamous Albus Dumbledore. Harry also quickly learns that although he is famous for defeating one of the most feared wizards Vol.. (he who must not be named) he is not popular among some of the students or teachers, one in particular Professor Snape of potions. Whom embarrasses Harry by asking him impossible questions and subtracting house points. Harry and Ron after a tiring day at potions class console with Hagrid at his shack by the castle where they are informed of the break-in at Gringotts although nothing was stolen. Harry then infers that whoever broke in was looking for the package Hagrid picked up which leaves Harry to many questions..

In chapter nine, The Midnight Duel, Harry learns all about the popular wizard sport Quidditch and in messing around with Malfoy he is spotted my Mcgonagall who is the house leader for Gryffindor and is in charge of their quidditch team. Harry them becomes the youngest seeker in a decade taking after his fathers quidditch talents. Harry is also challenged by Malfoy for a Wizard duel but he quickly realises that it was only a trap, and Malfoy intended on Harry getting caught and expelled. But, while Harry, Ron, Hermoine and Neville are all running from Mr. Filtch preventing expulsion by getting caught. They stumble into a room which they discover is the forbidden room (Dumbledore had been talking about earlier) that has a huge three headed dog ready to kill, which is sitting on top of a trap door.

Although being apprehensive at first, I am starting to enjoy reading the book and when I read I become enveloped into the story of Harry Potter.

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