Monday, January 31, 2011

I found this picture very intriguing although it is graffiti, its is really nice. I think I actually like the idea that it is graffiti, for the fact that it is somewhere out there on a building. I really like the way the artist used the red and the head-dress or object the artist drew on the head.

Favorite Website- Creative Title I know..

Personally, I do a lot on the internet, its one of the main things I fill my free time with. One website in particular that is not Twitter (haha) that I get on, is MLIA. MLIA is a list of things that look like so called "tweets" but they all pertain to the same thing, about how average life really is. I tend to navigate to this website because I always enjoy reading the average life posts and getting a good laugh. I love how the posts make you realize how average the little things in life are and that the embarrassing things that happen to you, don't just happen to you, that they averagely happen to everyone. I myself, have not set up an MLIA account to post my own MLIA's. A good friend of mine and I always talk and share different MLIA's that we find funny and send them to each other. Anyway.. I will post the link to see if you can get just as addicted to the website as I am, which won't be very hard to do.

My Life Is Average

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dream Library

I thought this was the coolest parking garage to a library- I will definitely be visiting this place some day. And from my recent reading I definitely appreciate the Harry Potter book to the left.

More Info:

Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone 280-309

In chapter sixteen, Through the Trap Door, Harry, Hermoine and Ron all go deep into the undergrounds of Hogwarts. They go through many different rooms, one for each teacher and a spell that is specific in their field of wizardry. For example, Snape had Potions, Professor Sprout had Devils Snare and Professor McGonilgal had the wizard chess set. In each of the rooms Harry, Hermoine and Ron had to make special sacrifices to go to the next level. In the last room it ended up being just Harry and Hermoine because Ron had stayed to finish the game of wizard chess. Harry went through to the final level, Dumbledores level by himself where he found professor Quirrell.
In chapter seventeen, The Man with Two Faces, Harry meets professor Quirell in the last room and discovers that the whole time he had suspected Snape doing all of the terrible things and trying to steal the Sorcerers stone that it was really Professor Quirrell all along. Harry soon realizes that it is not only Professor Quirrell in the room and that behind the turban that Quirrell wears is the face of lord Voldemort. Harry, petrified, does not know what to do. Meanwhile, Quirrell is in the room trying to figure out Dumbledores trick to the room, where the Mirror of Elixor is. The very mirror Harry saw his parents in except this time when he looks he sees the Sorcerers Stone in his pocket, and as soon as he sees the stone in his pocket, he feels the stone in his pocket. This begins a battle between Harry and Quirrell over the stone, where Harry realizes that he has the ability to burn Quirrell just by touching him because of the love his mother gave him and the special spell she gave him right before she was killed by Voldemort. Before the fight is even over the book switches to Harry in the hospital wing, where he wakes up to Dumbledore who tells him that Dumbledore had came when he was fighting Quirrell and helped him defeat him and Voldemort and that the stone was safe, but was being destroyed. And for Nicholas Flamel he was going to die, however he had accepted his fate and was happy. In the end for Harrys bravery he won Gryffindor 60 house points and gained all of his Gryffindor friends back. With Harry, Hermoine, Ron and Neviles points combined they put Gryffindor into the lead and won the house cup!!
In the end I feel that this book was a pretty easy read, it did not have any complicated vocabulary. I really enjoyed the plot of the book and felt that JK did an excellent way of explaining the wizarding world. Overall, I loved the book and I am looking foreword to reading the rest of the series although I don't think that they will be next on my reading list.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Harry Potter and The Sorcerers Stone 251-280

In chapter fifteen, The Forbidden Forest, Harry Hermoine, Ron, Neville and Malfoy are all paying for their detentions by helping Hagrid in the Forbidden forest. During their detention, Harry and Malfoy find the unicorn that they are supposed to be looking for, along with the unicorn they also find a cloaked figure who killed and drank the unicorns blood. Only someone who is near death and accepts a curse will drink a unicorns blood. The cloaked figure charges toward Harry but a centaur defends and protects Harry, shooing the figure away. Harry is convinced that the cloaked figure is Voldemort and he is gaining strength to go and steal the sorcerers stone.
In chapter sixteen, Through The Trapdoor, Harry, Hermoine and Ron all decide that to keep Snape/Voldemort from the Sorcerers Stone is to go and get it themselves. When they decide to break into the room and face Fluffy they talk to Hagrid first who always gives up too much information. While talking to Hagrid he accidentally tells them the way he tames Fluffy and he talks about the "cloaked"man who gave him the Dragons egg. As Hagrid is telling Harry, Hermoine and Ron this story they come to realize that the cloaked figure had a reason, and that he got the way to serenade Fluffy, through a drunken Hagrid.When they get past Fluffy in the third corridor, they come upon these plants whom initially seem dangerous but turn out into  a portal into the next level.
Overall, I really enjoy this book. I think that Harry will continue throughout the series to be the courageous one and develop more deeply throughout the series. I really enjoy the way that JK uses her detail and how she explains things. Which normally writers would just further confuse the reader, JK clarifies the book with her excellent talent of the ability to make sense of a wizard world.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone pgs. 223-250

I am still reading harry potter, lately I've been losing interest in the book but I'm pressing on until the end. In chapter fourteen, The Norwegian Ridgeback, Harry and Ron visit Hagrid and Hagrid has a dragon. Dragons in the wizarding world are illegal to keep as pets by wizards. Hagrid wins the dragon in a game at the pub and decides to raise the dragon on his own. However their plan is foiled when Malfoy sees Hagrids Dragon in his hut. Also, Harry wins an important game against Hufflepuff and set the record of the fastest game by catching the snitch in the first 6 minuets.
In chapter fifteen, The Forbidden Forest, Malfoy threatens Harry and the gang that he is going to tell Professor Snape on Hagrid and get Hagrid possibly fired from Hogwarts. So Harry and Ron decide to tell Rons brother Charlie, a Dragon tamer, to come to Hogwarts and get the Dragon. However this is not done easily, since Dragons are illegal Harry, Ron and Hermoine all have to venture out in the middle of the night with the Dragon and give it the Charlie and his friends. Although, Malfoy gets caught out trying to find them, so does Harry, Ron and Hermoine and they become the enemies of the school. Also while all of the Dragon events are happening, Harry and Ron notice Professor Snape pressuring Professor Quirrrel, and assume that he is trying to get all of the secret spells to get into the trap door under Fluffy.
Overall, this book has been pretty interesting. Although, it had a very strong beginning and sort of fades as it goes on. I am still looking foreword to reading what happens in the end of the book.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Check out this link! A crossover of bookmarks, and the best part is you can cut one out for yourself!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone pgs. 202-223

In chapter twelve, The Mirror of Erised, Harry discovers a mirror in a hidden room using his cloak of invisibility. In the mirror Harry sees his family, Mom and Dad, this is a very emotional moment in the book because Harry has never seen his parents before up close. Having no family and finally seeing them for the first time is a very emotional experience. As soon as Harry leaves the room at night he becomes obsessed with coming back and the next time he brings Ron who in the mirror sees himself holding a Quidditch cup, being a player on the Gyffindor team. The night after Harry invites Ron but Ron tells him that it is not a good idea and that he will get caught but Harry so absorbed with the idea of seeing his family again continues on. Once in the room for the third time he walks in and takes off the cloak, and he then sees Dumbledore. Dumbledore understands why he has been sneaking out but tells Harry that the mirror will ruin people and tells him that he his moving it to a different location the next night, and not to go looking for it.
In another part Harry, Ron and Hermoine find out who Nicolas Flamel is, the man they have been looking for, they find out that he is the only owner of a sorcerers stone and that Dumbledore and him are good friends. They then assume that Dumbledore is guarding the stone with the three headed dog Fluffy.
In Chapter thirteen, Nicolas Flamel, Harry starts to become nervous for his upcoming Quidditch game because of the fact that Snape, the teacher who shows no mercy, is refereeing the game. Harry is instantly worried that because of Snapes hatred for Harry that Harry will loose the game without even doing anything for Gryffindor.
Overall, the book has been a pretty good read so far. I enjoy the mystery about the book and reading about all of the different spells and things that JK Rowling made up for her book. Its sort of its own lexicon. I do love this book and I am looking foreword to reading the entire series and finding more about this interesting characters that JK uses so much detail to describe.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beck.Beck.Beck.Beck. If you don't know who this is you obviously don't know music. Totally kidding. But hes really good, my favorite artist anyway. YOU NEED TO LISTEN TO HIM.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone pgs. 180-202

In reading further into this book, I am really starting to enjoy it surprisingly. I thought that the book would be boring because I had already seen the movies but I was very wrong! I really enjoy how Rowling uses such vivid imagery. And going into the imagery ...

In chapter eleven, Quidditch, Harry has his first Quidditch match. Rowling describes every possible feeling you could think of. But anyway, Harry starts off extremely nervous for his first match and has many doubts from all of the Gryffindor fans. But as the game starts Harry quickly gains support and Gryffindor is roaring Harrys name. However, during the game Harrys broom starts to go crazy and move up, down, backwards and sideways. Hermoine soon realizes that the broom is being cursed and she looks around to find the source and spies Snape who is mumbling and cannot take his eyes off of Harry, a key giveaway to someone who is putting a curse on someone else. Hermoine and Ron then run over to where Snape is sitting and set fire to his robe and almost instantly the curse stops, however the whole teacher seating area catches on fire. In all the commotion, Harry spots the snitch and then all eyes are in him. He chases the snitch dodging and flying fast, but then.. the snitch is gone. Then he coughs up the snitch and wins the game for Gryffindor!

In chapter twelve, The Mirror of Erised, I only read half of it and I am looking foreword to reading the rest. But, in the part that I read it is Christmas break at Hogwarts. Harry even though his family is not alive decides that this Christmas will be the best one yet, spending most of his time with the Weasleys. During their break, Harry and Ron are opening and sharing their presents, Harry receives a wooden flute Hagrid had widdled himself, a parcel from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, and another mysterious present. Harry got a present from his parents that Dumbledore had been holding for him, it was an invisibility cloak, something very rare and special.

I really enjoyed these two chapters and as I had said before I loved the imagery that Rowling uses. Harry is really starting to grow on me I have to say. Coming into this book as optimistic I am very sure that I will end up liking this book and will eventually read the whole series.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Now I'm craving Bugels. But I thought this jewelry style was odd.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Every kids worst nightmare.

I found this really funny while browsing around on the web. But I think that all of us went through the stage when we found out that were not a wizard. I'm sure it was all very depressing for all of us...

Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone162-80

The next chapter, Halloween, doesn't tell anything about the trap door that the gang had stumbled on before which for me was a bit of a letdown because I was really looking foreword into finding out if it was the package Hagrid had picked up or not. Although, I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter.

In this chapter Harry receives a gift from Professor McGonagall, a Nimbus Two Thousand, one of the fastest and most powerful brooms in the wizarding world. When Malfoy finds out about this gift he tries to get Harry in trouble because of the first year rule (first years cannot bring brooms to school) but then finds out that the Gryffindor headmaster McGonagall made an exception for Harry and, even bought the broom herself. Malfoy then suddenly wasn't so confident in his accusations (one of my favorite parts of the chapter). Also in this chapter Harry gets to test out his new broom with the Quidditch house captain Oliver Wood, learning all of the new terms and rules of the game. On Halloween, Hermoine hears Harry and Ron making fun of her for being a know-it-all, after no one can find her. Harry and Ron sort-of brush it off and go to the great hall to eat a huge Halloween dinner when suddenly Professor Quirrell bursts into the great hall screaming that there was a troll in the dungeon. The whole hall turns into hysteria and rush back to their houses. On their way to the house Ron and Harry realize no one has found Hermoine and go looking for her. They find her in the girls bathroom but before they can warn her about the troll its too late, the troll nearly kills all three of them but using his new learned spell Ron briefly knocks out the troll. The whole troll event then brings the three closer than ever and wins them some house points!

I thought this chapter was pretty good although it wasn't my favorite yet. I think that the author did a good job adding the troll attack in the book because it let the reader strengthen bonds between the main characters which is important, especially in a series. I'm assuming that this book will mostly be buildup for the series but it is still keeping me interested.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pretty Lights!

                                                      You can never have too many street lamps

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Books over unhealthy habits

I thought this was a really cool idea, cigarettes are way bad and gross but miniature books that you can just stick in your purse and read on the go is really cool!!

Just paste the link into your address bar:

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone pgs. 61-162

I have always been very optimistic about the Harry Potter series but a close friend of mine whom I had saw the new movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, with recommended that I should read the series. I decided that reading the series would be a good idea considering I liked all of the movies. My first impression of the books were that they were childish and to immature compared to my normal reading choices. However, when I started reading I noticed that J.K. Rowling uses thorough descriptions and she really explains things well. Which is surprising considering the book is written about spells and basically describing another universe with wizards and witches.

In chapter five, Diagon Alley, Harry the night before is introduced into the whole world of magic by a huge beastly man called Hagrid. He has convinced himself that last night was a dream because it was really to good to be true, when living with Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and their obese son Dudley. When he wakes up the next morning he is covered in a huge fur coat that could only belong to Hagrid and is then flooded with joy with the idea of really being a wizard. Harry and Hagrid then venture to Diagon Alley to collect all of the supplies he needs to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. If finding Diagon Alley wasn't a surprise enough (opening a hidden arch passageway through a solid brick wall to get to the Alley) Harry also notices that he is famous in the wizard world for defeating the most dangerous dark wizard just when he was a newborn. Anyway, when Harry goes to Diagon Alley he visits all of the shops and places he needs to go in order to be successful at Hogwarts and also receives Hedwig, an owl and a gift from Hagrid. One place that stood out to Harry in specific was Gringotts, the wizard bank, where he discovered his lot of money and where Hagrid picked up a very important secret package for Dumbledore. This package keeps you wondering at the end of the chapter...

In chapter six, The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Harry makes his way to Hogwarts but he has some trouble on the way. Harry needed to get to Hogwarts by train and in reading his train his ticket said Platform nine and three-quarters and obviously in the "muggle" world (normal human) there is no platform nine and three-quarters. Harry finds himself in distress finding the platform until he his tipped of by a woman talking to her kids about muggles, whom he then follows  and eventually ends up running through a portal wall to get to the platform. On the train Harry makes new friends Ron, Hermoine and Neville. Also enemies Draco Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

In chapter seven, The Sorting Hat and eight, The Potions Master Harry is introduced to the world of Hogwarts. Harry and his gang (Ron, Neville and Hermoine) are all members of Gryffindor one of the most prestigious houses. He is also introduced into a few teachers including Snape, Professor Quirrell, Professor McGonagall and the infamous Albus Dumbledore. Harry also quickly learns that although he is famous for defeating one of the most feared wizards Vol.. (he who must not be named) he is not popular among some of the students or teachers, one in particular Professor Snape of potions. Whom embarrasses Harry by asking him impossible questions and subtracting house points. Harry and Ron after a tiring day at potions class console with Hagrid at his shack by the castle where they are informed of the break-in at Gringotts although nothing was stolen. Harry then infers that whoever broke in was looking for the package Hagrid picked up which leaves Harry to many questions..

In chapter nine, The Midnight Duel, Harry learns all about the popular wizard sport Quidditch and in messing around with Malfoy he is spotted my Mcgonagall who is the house leader for Gryffindor and is in charge of their quidditch team. Harry them becomes the youngest seeker in a decade taking after his fathers quidditch talents. Harry is also challenged by Malfoy for a Wizard duel but he quickly realises that it was only a trap, and Malfoy intended on Harry getting caught and expelled. But, while Harry, Ron, Hermoine and Neville are all running from Mr. Filtch preventing expulsion by getting caught. They stumble into a room which they discover is the forbidden room (Dumbledore had been talking about earlier) that has a huge three headed dog ready to kill, which is sitting on top of a trap door.

Although being apprehensive at first, I am starting to enjoy reading the book and when I read I become enveloped into the story of Harry Potter.

I found this interesting..

I follow a blog on my Tumblr account that specifically posts unique pictures and videos about books, I though it would be cool to share with my followers from my Etymology class. Sort of a common interest, and I'll try to keep up on the posting.

Friday, January 7, 2011

How can I move forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?
-John Lennon