Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chapter 8: Columbine

In chapter eight, Maximum Density, it talks about how the boys planned to eliminate the students of Columbine. This chapter talks about how the boys finalized their plans and how they obtained the weapons and skills of crafting bombs. In crafting bombs Eric designed seven big bombs from the Anarchist Cookbook that he found online. Both boys had been avid about keeping the plan in motion, however the book lets the reader think that Eric was more passionate about the killing spree rather than Dylan.
The boys also talked about their plans in setting up the bombs, they had designed for the bombs to go off at 11:17 during the lunch period in the lunch room and in the hallways for the maximum density of kills. They then as people ran outside of the building from the cafeteria they planned to shoot all survivors. The bombs were planted in specific places around the school so that the second story of the building would collapse and therefore kill even more students, thankfully the bombs never actually detonated. The boys also planned their outfits for the shootings, Eric wore a white shirt that said Natural selection on it and Dylan wore a black shirt that had Wrath on it. Both boys wore trench coats into the school, but they only wore the trench coats so that they could successfully hide their bombs and they could carry their guns into school.
Also, the book talks a little bit about the boys Monday before the Tuesday shooting. Dave Cullen states that the boys had a very uneventful day and they attended bowling club and went along their schedules as usual, not creating any suspicion.

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