Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chapter 13: Columbine

In chapter Thirteen "1 Bleeding to Death" talks about the sign that was posted up on the second story of the science hallway. The signs purpose was to alert the medics that obviously someone was bleeding to death in the room, and that someone needed help. Sadly, Dave Sanders earlier described in the chapter "Dads" is the one bleeding to death. He spotted the killers in the middle of the hallway then was shot and had to crawl into the nearest classroom. Children had tried to aid them but knew that he was slowly dying.
The chapter also talks about the parents desperation while their kids are still in the school and also about parent-child reunions. It talks about Dave Sanders family and the troubles his wife is having with him not coming home the first night. She didn't sleep or eat, worried he might be dead however the police nor teachers would give her any news. Linda kept her mind on the little things like how she forgot to vacuum and other housework.
The research when the police talked to witnesses was very unreliable, many students were so traumatized that they had other ideas of what the killer looked like in their minds. Many kids thought there were more than two killers, which could be attributed for when the boys changed out of their trench coats making it seem like there were more than two.
The book so far has been really inthralling to read and I am enjoying every minuet of it. I love reading about all of the facts however hard it may be to realize what really went on and what happened.

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